restart ehCore-0.95
java minimoo my.db sampleroomYou should see 'World file sampleroom loaded'
telnet localhost 7777 connect wizard @make-player tom tom
./ehwt -c myminimoo
connect wizard
@make-graphics-player tom tom@localhost @new-password tom is tomYou now have a regular MOO character who also has graphics capabilities.
cp -ar ehwthome ~
cp .ehwtrc ~ cp myminimoo ~ cp ehmoo ~
ehwt_home ~/ehwthometo point to wherever it was that you copied ehwthome, if not your home dir
host localhost port 11111 character tom password tom
url_base_a Due to a bug in the URL handling code, localhost won't work as a hostname in the url_base_a - use the DNS name or IP address of the host
./ehwtYou should be in a room with a doorway straight ahead:
This room is your local home world, room 0, and isn't part of any ehMOO. (If the room, ceiling, floor, etc are all gray, it means the textures weren't loaded from the webserver you specified in the ehmoo file for some reason. See Bugs and Troubleshooting.) To get to ehMOO, you need to walk through a red doorway outside and to the left of the room you start out in. Using the arrow keys, walk out the doorway in front of you and turn left:
Go to the red door and enter the doorway as if you were going to walk up and open the door:
This will trigger your entry into ehmoo if all goes well. You should see 'Looking up host' followed by 'Contacting host' followed by a bunch of other messages indicating activity in the window you started ehwt from. (If things get stuck at either 'Looking up' or 'Contacting', you most likely don't have the correct hostname. See Bugs and Troubleshooting.) You're now in the first room of ehMOO:
If you walk back out the door you just came in, you'll re-enter the local homeworld. Actually, there are 2 red doors in the room, the first leads home, the other leads to a currently undefined world which you can edit using the eh world editor, ehed. If you see a fish near the door you just entered, that's the graphical representation for wizard who is logged on textually (characters that haven't edited their appearance appear as fish, see objed). Try logging wizard off - you should see the fish disappear. Log on again and the fish reappears.
C:\eh\w3c-libwww-5.0a\Bin\Debug C:\eh\w3c-libwww-5.0a\Bin\ReleaseIf not, just cd to the ehwtwin.bin directory containing the ehwtwin.exe and dlls to run ehwt.
host localhost port 11111 character tom password tom
url_base_a Due to a bug in the URL handling code, localhost won't work as a hostname in the url_base_a - use the DNS name or IP address of the host
.\ehwtwinYou should be in a room with a doorway straight ahead:
This room is your local home world, room 0, and isn't part of any ehMOO. (If the room, ceiling, floor, etc are all gray, it means the textures weren't loaded from the webserver you specified in the ehmoo file for some reason. See Bugs and Troubleshooting.) To get to ehMOO, you need to walk through a red doorway outside and to the left of the room you start out in. Using the arrow keys, walk out the doorway in front of you and turn left:
Go to the red door and enter the doorway as if you were going to walk up and open the door:
This will trigger your entry into ehmoo if all goes well. You should see 'Looking up host' followed by 'Contacting host' followed by a bunch of other messages indicating activity in the window you started ehwt from. (If things get stuck at either 'Looking up' or 'Contacting', you most likely don't have the correct hostname. See Bugs and Troubleshooting.) You're now in the first room of ehMOO:
If you walk back out the door you just came in, you'll re-enter the local homeworld. Actually, there are 2 red doors in the room, the first leads home, the other leads to a currently undefined world which you can edit using the eh world editor, ehed. If you see a fish near the door you just entered, that's the graphical representation for wizard who is logged on textually (characters that haven't edited their appearance appear as fish, see objed). Try logging wizard off - you should see the fish disappear. Log on again and the fish reappears.
java minimoo my.db sampleroomShould see 'World file sampleroom loaded'
telnet localhost 7777 connect wizard @make-player tom tomYou now have a regular MOO character who also has graphics capabilities.
cp -ar ehwthome ~
cp .ehwtrc ~ cp myminimoo ~ cp ehmoo ~
ehwt_home ~/ehwthometo point to wherever it was that you copied ehwthome, if not your home dir
host localhost port 11111 character tom password tom
url_base_a Due to a bug in the URL handling code, localhost won't work as a hostname in the url_base_a - use the DNS name or IP address of the host
./ehwt -c myminimooYou should see a room that looks surprisingly like the normal home room, the difference being that this is actually a minimoo room:
./ehwt -c myminimoo
Wizard is the fish you see.
@make-player tom2 tom2
./ehwt -i .ehwtrc.tom2 -c myminimoo.tom2You should see 1 or two other fish, depending on whether wizard is still connected in the text session. Have tom look at tom2, then move tom2 around - tom should see tom2 moving around:
java objed
Should see CONNECTED to xxx:11111 in message window on bottom
java minimoo my.db sampleroomShould see 'World file sampleroom loaded'
telnet localhost 7777 connect wizard @make-player tom tom
C:\eh\w3c-libwww-5.0a\Bin\Debug C:\eh\w3c-libwww-5.0a\Bin\ReleaseIf not, just cd to the ehwtwin.bin directory containing the ehwtwin.exe and dlls to run ehwt.
host localhost port 11111 character tom password tom
url_base_a Due to a bug in the URL handling code, localhost won't work as a hostname in the url_base_a - use the DNS name or IP address of the host
./ehwtwin -c myminimooYou should see a room that looks surprisingly like the normal home room, the difference being that this is actually a minimoo room:
ehwtwin -c myminimoo
Wizard is the fish you see.
@make-player tom2 tom2
ehwtwin -i .ehwtrc.tom2 -c myminimoo.tom2You should see 1 or two other fish, depending on whether wizard is still connected in the text session. Have tom look at tom2, then move tom2 around - tom should see tom2 moving around:
java objed
Should see CONNECTED to xxx:11111 in message window on bottom