restart LambdaCore-12Apr99
/set more onto catch errors copy the @create commands to tf and execute them, each time noting the object # that's created and using it in the commands that follow it, replacing xxx with the object #
/quote '
/quote 'verbs.ehGo have a drink, it'll be awhile...
/quote '
/quote 'firstroom.ehThis adds the drawing information to the existing room
@setprop here.event_flag to 1
@setprop me.event_flag to 1Setting the event_flags to 1 allows the existing room and wizard to be graphically visible.
If you do this, a character can't be connected graphically to the graphical part and text-connected to a non-graphical room. Also, there should be no exits/entrances between graphical and non-graphical rooms. You'll need to teleport between them.
In this case, you still need to manually set up the first room.
Dig a regular non-graphic room:
@dig "Start of graphical part of this MOO"NOTE: You can't have entrances/exits to/from the non-graphical part of the moo. You need to teleport there. (because the moocode tries to get ehPortal from room.exits)
Note the new room #
In the moocode dir, edit
Replace all occurrences of #62 with the new room id.
Submit the new room description to the MOO:
/quote 'firstroom.ehIn your ehwthome, edit home:
change the second to last line to reflect the new start room:
change the 62 in WORLD:ehmoo:62:home_door to the new room #