- get w3c-libwww-5.0a.zip from http://www.w3.org/Library/Distribution/ and unzip it.
- In Visual C++ 6.0, File | Open Workspace - open w3c-libwww-5.0a\Library\src\windows\libwww.mak and let it convert it to whatever it
needs to.
- In project settings | C/C++ | General | Preprocessor definitions:
- In Project | Settings | C++ | Code Generation | Use run-time library -
Multithreaded DLL MUST be used
- Build | Batch Build - the libwww dlls should be in
while the .lib files you'll need are in
- These are the w3c-libwww compiler directives to use in case you don't use this makefile:_DEBUG,WIN32,_WINDOWS,WWW_WIN_DLL
- get the ehwt source
- In Visual C++ 6.0 open project ehwtwin.dsp
- In project settings | C/C++ | Preprocessor | Additional Include directories - change
..\w3c-libwww-5.0a\library\src to wherever your libwww is
- In Project Settings | Link | Input | Additional library path - change ..\w3c-libwww-5.0a\Bin to wherever your libww is
- build (there may be a bunch of warnings, ignore them)
- executable will be ehwtwin.exe
If for some reason, ehwtwin.dsp doesn't work for you and you need to build the project from scratch, do the following:
- In project settings | C/C++ | Preprocessor | Additional Include directories -
should match where your libwww is e.g. ..\w3c-libwww-5.0a\library\src
- In Project Settings | Link | Input | Object/Library modules - add wwwapp.lib wwwcache.lib wwwcore.lib wwwdir.lib wwwdll.lib wwwfile.lib wwwftp.lib wwwgophe.lib wwwhtml.lib wwwhttp.lib wwwmime.lib wwwnews.lib wwwstream.lib wwwtelnt.lib wwwtrans.lib wwwutils.lib wsock32.lib winmm.lib
- In Project Settings | Link | Input | Additional library path - should match where your libwww is e.g. ..\w3c-libwww-5.0a\Bin (wsock32.lib and winmm.lib (for timeGetTime()) should already be in the library path)
- build (there may be a bunch of warnings, ignore them)
- executable will be ehwtwin.exe