On unix, decompress and untar the ehed source distribution:
gzip -d -c ehed.tar.gz | tar xvf -
On Windows95 or NT systems:
unzip -d ehed.zip
The ehed distribution includes the JDK1.1.5 compiled .class files for ehed and
supporting libraries, so you shouldn't have to recompile anything unless you're using an
earlier version of the JDK. In the ehed root directory, there is an initialization file, .ehedrc
that needs to be set up before running ehed. It contains the following lines:
ehwtrcLocation C:\Program Files\eh\ehwt\
ehwtHomeLocation C:\Program Files\eh\ehwt\home\
These should match the corresponding ehwt directories:
should point to the directory containing ehwt's .ehwtrc
should point to ehwt's world cache directory
NOTE: the directories specified should end with a directory separator (\ or /)
In the ehed root directory (or from elsewhere, if the ehed directory is in your CLASSPATH), simply type:
java ehed
This should result in ehed's main window being displayed:
The left pane of the main window displays a list of the worlds found in the world cache.
The right pane displays an overhead view of the world currently being edited i.e. the
world selected in the left pane. The bottom pane displays a scrollable list of error,
warning, and informational messages. When ehed starts up, it reads the contents of the
world cache directory and creates a row in the left pane for each world (subdirectory) it
finds. It then reads the contents of the .ehwtrc
file and looks for any addworld
entries, which point to information specifying DNS host/port and character/password info
for the corresponding world. If there is no addworld entry for a world found in the world
cache, the host/port and character/password values can be specified for the world by
double-clicking the row in the left pane and filling in the dialog.
NOTE: this information is not saved between editing sessions. DNS host/port and character/password info must be specified in order to submit editing changes to the corresponding world.
To edit a world, click on the world name in the left pane. The world will be loaded the first time it is chosen, and displayed in the right pane for editing. Rooms, exits (tunnels between rooms), and portals (regions leading to other worlds) can be added to and removed from a world. Rooms can be moved (which causes attached exits and portals to be automatically moved along) and any room, exit, or portal can have its properties edited (by double-clicking and entering values in the resulting dialog).
NOTE: Currently only rooms, exits and portals can be added; nothing can be removed; also there is no undo.
ehed, as a fundamentally 2-D editing tool, is designed to allow the addition of rooms to a world only by importing structures previously created outside ehed (in VRML or eh's native format), on the theory that 3rd party tools are better at creating and editing 3-D objects than any 2-D tool, including ehed. Once a room is imported, it can be moved and connected to other rooms or linked to other worlds by creating portals. Note that connections between rooms (exits) and portals can be created only via ehed - there is no capability or need to import these structures. Currently, rooms can be imported in VRML and ehwt formats. (See the documentation for vrml2eh for details on what constitutes a valid VRML structure for eh) Once a change or set of changes to a world is made, those changes can be submitted to the world server.
NOTE: Currently, to submit changes, you need to first connect to the world using Edit|Connect, then submit the changes using Edit|Submit.
New rooms and exits are first created on the world server, then any drawing information or other data associated with the new items are attached to the objects created there.
Here's a snapshot of what the room we'll be adding a new room and connecting exit to
looks like before we start:
in this case) ![]() | select the Edit|Import VRML Room menu item in the dialog box, choose the VRML world file
to import (angled.vrml in this case):![]() |
![]() | A dialog box allowing you to edit the properties of the imported room is displayed. At minimum, you need to enter a name for the new room, needed in order to create the corresponding room object on the MOO. |
![]() | The new room will most likely be initially positioned somewhere other than where you
really want it. To move the room, drag it while pressing the 'r' key. (You can move the
world by holding down the 'w' key and dragging any part of the world.)![]() |
![]() | To connect two rooms together, you'll be selecting a wall from each room, each of which will have a doorway carved into it leading to the other room via a tunnel (exit) that will be generated by the editor. |
![]() | Select a wall from the first room. Create a vertex on the wall marking one side of the doorway by pressing the ALT key while clicking on the point of the wall you wish to create the vertex at. A dialog box asking for a name for the vertex will pop up. Enter a name for the vertex (vertex1 in this case). |
![]() | Create a second vertex marking the other side of the doorway (vertex2 in this case). |
![]() | Now repeat using a wall on the other room (you can use the same vertex names for the other room; the only requirement is that you don't use the same name more than once for a particular room). |
![]() | Now click somewhere where there is nothing in order to make sure there is nothing currently selected |
![]() | Holding down the Shift key, select the four vertices you just created, making sure nothing else is selected |
![]() | Now select the Edit|Add Exit menu item to bring up the Exit properties dialog. The wall
heights shown in the dialog are calculated to give you the maximum possible height for the
new tunnel taking into account the floor and ceiling levels of the rooms you're going to
connect. You can change these if you want, but if you choose a ceiling height higher than
the lower ceiling height of the two rooms or if you choose a floor height lower than the
highest floor height of the two rooms, your exit won't display correctly when rendered by
ehwt. Likewise, ehed will make a texture choice for you for the floor, ceiling and wall
textures of the new tunnel, based on the connecting rooms, so you don't need to change
these either, unless you want to. You do need to specify both exit specifiers, however,
and the Browse... button next to each of these fields will show you a list of common
choices. These will be the commands you type in the MOO to travel between the rooms, and
are necessary for exit creation on the MOO.![]() |
![]() | Press OK, and the exit will be created and will show up in the editing pane, if all went
well.![]() |
![]() | First, open up an connection to the MOO by selecting Edit|Connect. This should cause some activity in ehed's message pane. |
![]() | Now, submit the changes by selecting Edit|Submit. This should also cause activity in the
message pane. You may want to have a text connection to the world you're editing open in
addition, so you can see any messages generated by the editing session e.g. room xxx
created, exit xxx created, etc. At this point, the rooms and exits you created in the
editor should have corresponding objects present in the MOO, complete with drawing
information.![]() |
![]() | In order for a room to be rendered by the ehwt client, all rooms within line of sight of any point in that room must be downloaded along with that room. Usually this means rooms directly connected to it, but may also include rooms further away (some rooms that might not appear to be visible from any point in the room may actually be, and if not present, can cause rendering problems, so it's better to be safe). So, each room that was modified as part of adding an exit needs to have its adjacent rooms property set to the list of rooms conceivably adjacent to it. |
![]() | This is done by double-clicking on each affected room and setting its adjacent rooms list. The rooms available in the world are listed on the left-hand listbox in the bottom of the room properties dialog. The rooms you want to include in the adjacent rooms list appear in the right-hand listbox, and you move rooms between the two lists using the selection buttons between the lists. |
![]() | If you don't remember which rooms correspond to which room numbers, toggle the View|Show
Names menu item in ehed's main frame.![]() ![]() |
Here's a snapshot of the same room after the new room and exit are added. Walking
through the new exit gets you to the new room:
A portal is simply a doorway to another world. When your avatar enters the region surrounding the door, it is transported to that world. To build a portal, you need to specify the DNS name or IP address and port of the world you'll be transported to, the room number within that world of the room you'll be entering, and the name of the door within that room that you'll be entering. ehed will supply you with the worlds, rooms, and doors it knows about, but you can also specify these manually if they don't exist in your cache or if they don't exist yet.
Here's a snapshot of what the room we'll be adding a new portal to looks like before we
![]() | Select a wall of the room you want to create a portal in. Create a vertex on the wall marking one side of the doorway by pressing the ALT key while clicking on the point of the wall you wish to create the vertex at. A dialog box asking for a name for the vertex will pop up. Enter a name for the vertex (vertex1 in this case). |
![]() | Create a second vertex marking the other side of the doorway (vertex2 in this case). |
![]() | Now create two vertices on the side of the chosen wall outside the room. Press the ALT key while clicking to create these (these vertices don't need names) |
![]() | First, open up an connection to the MOO by selecting Edit|Connect. This should cause some activity in ehed's message pane. |
![]() | Now, submit the changes by selecting Edit|Submit. This should also cause activity in the message pane. |
Here's a snapshot of the room after the new portal was added. Walking through the
portal gets you to the specified world.