ehMOO world/object editing

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Editing ehMOO world structure using the ehMOO world editor, ehed

Also see the ehed documentation for more comprehensive ehed documentation, including the details of the world format.


The remainder of this section applies to both Linux and Windows.

Here's a screenshot of what the first room looks like from within ehwt/ehwtwin. The white wall directly ahead is the wall we'll be tunnelling through:

Now start ehed to create a new room from the first room:

NOTE: Before using ehed, you should have successfully connected to the world you want to edit via ehwt or ehwtwin; ehed looks only at the local world cache, which will be empty unless you've successfully connected to that world at some point.
NOTE: If you're using ehed to edit your miniMOO home world, see the section below for special instructions. The following applies only to using ehed to modify ehMOO worlds.

Start ehed:

java ehed
Assuming you're connecting to the virgin ehMOO core, you should see an octagonal room in the right pane after selecting yourmoo_11111 in the left pane.

ehed octagonal room

Select the menu item:

Edit | Import eh room
Navigate to the testworlds subdirectory, and select In the dialog box that pops up, give the new room a name and description. Ignore the Room Adjacency List field for now. Press OK.

import dialog

A new room shaped like a parallelogram should appear to the NE of the existing room.

The original room has two yellow vertices on the NE wall, and the new room has two vertices on its SW wall. These four vertices will be used to create a passageway between the two rooms. Do a multiple select of these 4 vertices (left-click each one while holding down the SHIFT key) - they should turn green to indicate that they're selected, and there shouldn't be anything else selected.

Select the menu item:

Edit | Add new exit
In the dialog that pops up, leave everything as is except the bottom 2 fields. The 'exit spec' is what players will use when textually connected to move between the rooms e.g. north, up, etc. Fill these in for both directions - because the new room is positioned NE from the old one, 62 to new_room_1 exit spec should be northeast,ne (either northwest or ne) can be used, and new_room_1 to 62 exit spec should be southwest,se:

exit properties dialog

Press OK. You should now see two pink lines connecting the rooms:

ehed exit added

You're now ready to submit the change to the MOO.

Select the menu item:

Edit | Log on
You should see some text in the bottom message window indicating a successful login.

Select the menu item:

Edit | Submit
You should see some text in the bottom message window indicating that the new room was successfully submitted to the MOO:

room created message

NOTE: if you're already graphically connected you won't see the new room until reconnecting, needs to be fixed.

Finally, you need to tell the MOO which rooms can be seen by line of sight from the new room and which of the other rooms can see the new room by line of sight. Double click on the new room. In the bottom of the dialog that pops up, there are two list boxes under the 'Room Adjacency List'. Select the rooms that can be seen from the room you double-clicked and move them to the right box. Repeat for all the other rooms in line of site of the new room.

In this case, in the dialog that pops up after double-clicking on the parallelogram room:

Move the octagonal room's id (62) to right hand side:

adjacency list dialog

Do the same for the octagonal room, i.e. double-click on the octagonal room, but move the parallelogram room (99) to the right hand list.

Now Submit the changes (Edit | Submit Changes). Make sure you're logged in first of course.

adjacency list edit change message

NOTE: Since the first room is owned by wizard, you you must have programmer and wizard priveleges in order to build off of the first room. Otherwise, you need to own the room(s) you're building off of and be a programmer. Here's how you make someone a wizard:

@chparent #xxx to $wiz
@programmer #xxx
Now, connect to the world using ehwt/ehwtwin. You should see the tunnel you just created:

first room after second room created

and be able to walk through it to the new room:

in new room

If you have a text connection open, you should see your text avatar move to the new room.

Finally, you need to set the default text player position. Graphically walk to the new room and in ehwt press 'x'. Note the avatar position and facing in the console. In your text session, type the following, replacing x,y,z and facing with the values in the console:

Now, test it out. Type 'southwest' in your text session to get to the first room. Your avatar should be in the default text position for that room (which you set in a previous step). Now, type 'northeast' to move back to the new room. Your avatar should be in the position you just specified for the default location for the new room.

See the ehed docs for more details on building graphical rooms.

Creating graphical objects

NOTE: you have to be a builder in order to create objects. A wizard needs to have done:
@chparent yourchar to $builder
To create a graphical object, use the @create $gthing MOO command:
@create $gthing named mygthing
You now have mygthing in your inventory. Drop mygthing:
drop mygthing
and then move away from your current position. You should see a globe where you were - this is the default graphical representation of an object:

default object

You can use objed to change the appearance of the object. When you drop an object, the object takes on a position and facing that matches the position and facing you had when you dropped the object. Now take the object back:

take mygthing
The globe should disappear.

graphical objects are $things with the event_flag set to 1. To make a non-graphical object graphical:

@setprop objectid.event_flag to 1
By default, they have a zeroed-out position and facing, which means they'll be at wherever the 0 position is in your world. To move them to where you want them, just take the object and move to the position and facing you want the object to be and drop the object.

While you're here in the first room, it's a good time to take care of one small world-structure detail. Go to the middle of the room and press the 'x' key. Make a note of the numbers displayed in the xterm - e.g. avatar position (x,y,z) = (-1.89, 22.40, -4.00) avatar facing = 4.85

Now, logged in as wizard (as the owner of the room), type

;here:set_text_player_default_location(-1.89,22.40,-4.00, 4.85)
using the numbers you recorded.

What this does is 2 things - it provides text-only players with a graphical position and facing for the benefit of graphics players, and it also defines the location that characters will have if they move to that room using standard text commands e.g. 'north'.

Editing objects using the object editor, objed

The remainder of this section applies to both Linux and Windows.

There are several complete sets of object facings in the eh_images directory. Each is a set of 8 facings of the form nameXXX, where XXX is an angle from 0 to 315 degrees. There are .gif and .ppm versions of each set:

First create a graphical object:
@create $gthing named chair
Note the object #

Start objed:

java objed
Select the menu item:
File | Select Facings...
Navigate to the eh_images directory and choose a set of 8 facings (use the same type e.g. .gif) (hold down ctrl key to choose multiple files):

objed file select dialog

Thumbnail images should be shown one above another on the left, and the center should display a revolving object, which is what the object will look like in the MOO:

objed after just loaded images

The images should be in order 0->315. If they're not, drag and drop thumbnails into the correct positions. Select the menu item:

File | Connect To World
Fill out the DNS name and the port of ehMOO, and the character and password of your character:

objed connect dialog

Below the spinning object, fill in the ObjectID of the object in the world. Press the Submit Facings button to submit the facings to the MOO.

NOTE: there isn't really an indication as to whether the facincgs were actually changed on the MOO. You have to drop the object to see.

Now drop the object and look at it. It should now look like that object:

ehwt after object facings set

NOTE: you have to drop the object in order for the facings to be updated in ehwt.

Changing your own facings: Do the same using the object number of your character. Use the 'exam me' MOO command to find your object number.

create another character so you can see your new image:

@make-graphics-player steve steve@localhost
@new-password steve is steve
In your home dir, copy .ehwtrc to .ewhtrc.steve
In your home dir, copy ehmoo to ehmoo.steve

Edit ehmoo.steve:

change the character and password to steve and steve, or whatever you made them.

Edit .ehwtrc.steve:


ehwt_home /home/trz/ehwthome
ehwt_home /home/trz/stevehome
Add the line
addworld ehmoo.steve
Now make a home for the new character and copy the necessary files:
mkdir stevehome
cd ehwthome
cp -ar * ../stevehome
cd ../stevehome
Edit home. Change the second to last line,
Now in objed, change your facings to say, the upsidedownfish set:

objed upside down fish

Finally, connect using the steve char by starting ehwt:

ehwt -i .ehwtrc.steve
Walk around and find tom - he should be an upside-down fish.

Editing miniMOO worlds using the ehMOO world editor, ehed



The remainder of this section applies to both Linux and Windows. This procedure shows how to use an alternative home world as well as add a new portal to another world to it.
Copy the test world in the ehed/testworlds subdirectory to the miniMOO subdirectory. Here is what you would see if you started miniMOO with as the home world:

unchanged angled world

Now start ehed to edit so we can add a portal to it:

java ehed
Select the menu item:
File | Open miniMOO World
Navigate to the miniMOO subdirectory, and select A new rectangular room situated at an angle should appear in the right pane:

angled room before portal

Add a vertex to the NE wall by pressing the ALT key and clicking on the position on the wall where you want the vertex; this will mark one side of a recessed doorway that will define a portal. Give it a name:

adding first vertex to angled room

Add another vertex to the wall, then add two 'unattached vertices' not on the wall, in order to delineate a rectangular portal region, as such:

4 vertices added

Now, select all 4 vertices (SHIFT+left click on each) and select the menu item:

Edit | Add new portal
In the dialog that comes up:

portal properties before change

change the door name to something and specify the IP address and port number of the ehMOO or miniMOO you want to have the portal connect to, using the 'Specify Host...' button and subsequent dialog (you could also use the 'Browse...' button if the world you want to connect to is already in the world cache). Also, the door and room number of door in the world you'll be connecting to needs to be specified (your avatar will appear in that world/room/door when the connection is made.) In this example, we'll assume we have an ehMOO running at port 11111 and the door we'll be entering will be the door named home_door in the ehMOO's room 62:

portal properties dialog filled out

Pressing the OK button should result in a new portal in the home world, leading to the other world:

ehed after portal

Now save the new miniMOO world by selecting the menu item:

File | Save miniMOO world
Now start miniMOO using the new world:
java miniMOO my.db
If you don't already have a character, create one (log in as wizard, no password) e.g.
telnet localhost 7777
@make-player tom tom
Of course the character name and password should match the entries in the myminimoo world definition file. Due to a bug in the ehwt client, you'll need to log in as the character you created, and move it to 0 0 (the default for miniMOO is to start at 20 20, which is fine for the default homeworld but not
telnet localhost 7777
@move me to 0 0
If you don't do this the first time you connect, it starts at 20 20 which will not be within the bounds of the world. (you'll see only blackness or weird flickering if this is the case). Subsequent connections don't need this step because the new position will be saved.

Finally, connect to the newly modified room:

ehwtwin -c myminimoo
You should see the new portal. Walking into it should cause your character to be 'teleported' to the world/room/door you specified. Here's an example of what it might look like:

ehwt new portal